Send Money From Wallet To Bank It is very easy to send the Phonepe wallet money to the bank account. There are some simple steps needed to perform to send the money to bank account. Whenever you got money into your phonepe wallet through any online transaction and you are not getting into your bank account because of the phonepe policy. You can not send money to your bank account directly. Only one alternative way, that will help you to send money. If you have money in your phonepe wallet, you have to buy some shares of gold from the phonepe and you have to sell that gold. On buying, it cut 3 to 4 percentage of GST but during selling, you have not to pay anything. In another words, when you buy gold, you have to pay some percentage of taxes and on selling there will not be any charges. The total amount will be transfer into the bank account. Steps Required:- First You have a phonepe account, You can login with your registered mobile number that is registered with your bank account...
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